About me

Dan Van Winkle

I have been shooting photos for more than 40 years. I started in high school shooting for the school newspaper and briefly thought about choosing photojournalism as a career, but after speaking with a few professional photographers, I decided that a career in engineering would allow me to keep his photography as a serious hobby rather than a career.

For the first 30 years of my photography I focused on landscape photography but about 15 years ago I decided it was time to include the female (and sometimes male) figure as part of my landscapes. Since then, I have self-published several books, had my art in galleries, won a few contests and been published in a few actual print magazines.

Palo Alto Online Photo Contest - 16th Annual - HM

 Palo Alto Online Photo Contest - 17th Annual - 2nd Place

Palo Alto Online Photo Contest -  20th Annual - 1st Place

been published a few places:

Carrie Leigh’s Nude Magazine

Fall 2008

Spring 2009

Belle SF Magazine

Issue #3 Cover

Volo Magazine

December 2015 (Cover)

Summer 2016

Boudoir Inspiration

December 2019

Best of 2019

Janurary 2020

I continue to refine both my landscape and nude work. I sell both fine art prints and books.  For print information please contact me directly using my contact page: 


Print Books at:


Digital Books at:
